Learn more about the solution that will revolutionize sustainable healthcare.
Synoro Med's Reusable Container for Medical Fluids
Our solution focuses on tackling the issue of waste at its source, as we are redesigning single-use medical devices to be reusable. We offer a sterilizable reusable container system for medical fluids, such as IV fluids, along with a comprehensive reprocessing service that ensures these containers are safe for reuse. Integrating our system into clinical workflows is seamless, requiring healthcare professionals to simply place the reusable bags into collection bins after use. These bags are then brought to our facility, where they undergo rigorous reprocessing and quality assurance before being recirculated.
By providing a regional reprocessing service, we empower our customers with independence from extensive supply chains. Our sterilizable container systems have been designed to integrate easily into clinical workflows, having the same feel and function as the existing. Our containers are reprocessed through a rigorous cleaning and sterilization process before being reused to protect patient safety. This innovative approach allows us to divert a significant amount of plastic waste and achieve significant reduction in CO2e emissions. What's more, our solution is priced at cost-parity, making it an accessible and sustainable choice for healthcare providers.

Our Process
Our reprocessing utilizes industry standard methods to clean and sterilize the product, and a rigorous quality assurance system to ensure patient safety.
Our solution is a platform technology with multiple applications. At this point our focus is on IV bags but we plan to expand to other products in the future. Here are a few examples:
Urine Collection Bags

Enteral Feeding Bags

Ostomy Bags